Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fashion Meets Technology

What do you do online? What are your favorite websites to go to? What are you actually supposed to do online? I don't even remember what I was even doing online before I discovered some of the best fashion-oriented sites!
Ok, so ofc that there is Facebook (feel free to add me if you want ^_^) and Youtube, but somehow those two never really kept me entertained for a longer time.

Since I was always so interested in fashion, 3 years ago I came across a website on my Facebook news feed and decided to check it out, simply out of boredom. Now, that site is taking up the biggest part of my free time. The site is called Polyvore and you have probably heard about it. It's an easy way to put clothes together while in the same time making them look artistic with proper backgrounds and styles. It wasn't so easy in the first place. It was really hard starting up: my sets looked awful, I didn't know how to make a proper background, I never got many likes nor followers. But then I developed my own background style then - keeping the clothes and accessories big and in the first place while there is just one photo in the corner. It's wasn't every artistic and it looked too plain after some time... That's probably why only one glance on a "magazine page" style was enough for me to fall in love with that and keep the same style for the whole time. I invested a lot of time on my Polyvore profile, but it was definitely worth it. I enjoy making new sets, getting new likes and comments, returning the likes and comments as well, finding amazing sets of other members, moderating my group Chic Mademoiselle, and making contests every 3 days.

So, Polyvore is definitely one of the best ways to "kill time". However, it's pretty much impossible to make sets all the time, so I went to look for other websites on which I could do something connected with fashion. I started a blog on Tumblr, but for some reason I cannot keep myself devoted to it. I still go to reblog something every now and then, but I don't spend much time on it. (feel free to follow me, I always follow back).

While I was searching for a specific TopShop cropped denim jacket that I failed to buy, I came across another fashion-oriented website: Fashiolista. It's a really simple clothes-liking website that you can browse on while doing whatever you like (or have to, like studying something boring :P). I love it because it lets you see all the stunning clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories, personalized your style and show it to other people, but also see people's style and what they like.

From Fashiolista, I got to Pinspire. They post stuff different from Fashiolista and Polyvore, because they're supposed to have a background. I find it very simple to Tumblr, actually... Just that you can make collections to express your inspirations, ideas, likes, pets, food, decor, whatever you like. As much as I noticed, it's still a very new site so not a lot of photos have been uploaded. I'm trying to upload as many possible, every time I get an idea of what I can fit in.

Another website which I discovered it TookLookbook. It's a nice web to find all the designer collections on one place, arranged by the season and shows. I usually use it to upload photos to fashiolista. has been one of my fave websites for so long, but I never got the guts to actually make my own. Probably because I was scared people will ignore my style and say that it's nothing special... That is also probably why I haven't uploaded a look in a whileeee... xD I really should, though. I own some amazing clothes and I have no idea what I'm scared of. Maybe I'm just lazy to take the photos because I have the feeling like I'm supposed to look my best.

There was another website that I adored... but unfortunately they shut down. 
The site was called Looklet. It still "works", but you cannot save your creations, everybody's accounts have been removed and it's just a sad thing that they had to shut down... I think that if they had a better promotion that then their popularity would have been better. I still make looks there, just that now I take a screenshot of it, instead of saving the look as it usually was possible. It's a really great site because you get to see the clothes put on. My future sister-in-law showed the site and I fell in love with it the first moment.

I am so glad that there are sooo many amazing fashion sites! If you know some more, please comment below :)

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